Nature Conservation Centre "Natura"

Nature Conservation Centre "Natura"

Directorate of Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park

It is located in the building of the Eski Mosque in the town of. It is located in the building of the Eski Mosque in Vratsa - declared an architectural and artistic monument with unique frescoes.

The centre has:

  • Three-dimensional model of Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park
  • Demonstration digital hall for exposure of 3D digital model and virtual walk in Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park , as well as significant sites of natural and cultural heritage 
  • Educational expositions on biodiversity and karst formation
  • Interactive children's playground
  • Visiting exhibitions;
  • Information centre and promotional materials;
  • Electric bikes.

Here you will find a wealth of information about:

  •  Protected territories and areas on the territory of Vrachanski Balkan NP and Vratsa region;
  •  Information about the established eco-trails and sightseeing routes;
  •  Places for accommodation and entertainment.

The Center organizes:

  • Trainings and seminars;
  • Implementing educational programs, working with children and students on conservation issues;
  • Conducting events and campaigns on nature conservation;
  • Provision of professional drivers;.

As a Centre combining conservation, tourism, ecology, information and education we are committed to communicating as clearly and comprehensively as possible with the public!

Work time:

summer - 1.05-30.09

every day from 9:00-17:00 (break from 12:00-13:00)

      winter - 01.10 - 30.04

Monday to Friday from 9:00-17:00 (break from 12:00-13:00)
Saturday and Sunday: rest days 

Free entry! Phone number: 092/ 66 03 18;
e-mail: [email protected];
facebook: Природозащитен Център Натура

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With a uniquely beautiful nature and a rich and interesting history, the city of Vratsa is a real paradise for lovers of tourist life.

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